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Top 10 things you should know about Oahu...



#10  Some of the most spectacular

         scenery on the planet !









Mountains and beaches within yards of eachother !



#9  Honolulu has the 2nd WORST

       traffic in the US.









Plan to walk and use the trolley.



#8  The record low temperature for

       Oahu is 52 degrees.









During our trip, it will be in the 70's and 80's the entire time.


#7  Aloha means "Hello" and









#2 Waikiki is safe; family and 










Huge Police presence in Waikiki with 2 uniform officers on foot per block plus Police cars, motorcycles, bikes, and horses.




#1  All beaches in Hawaii are

      100% PUBLIC !










That's right.  Donald Trump offered Hawaii $1,000,000,000.00 for 175' of beach and they turned him down !

#6  Mahalo means "Thank you !"







#5  Shaka








Hawaiians use the shaka to convey the "Aloha Spirit", a concept of friendship and understanding,

and may be referred to as "hang loose" or "hang ten"- both associated with surfer culture.



#4  Oahu is 30 miles verticle and 44

       miles across.








... and we'll be seeing most of it while you are there.



#3  Waikiki is expensive.











Plan to buy what you want but don't use your food money !!!

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