BCPS HS Bands to Pearl Harbor 20...?

EVERYONE must go thru TSA inspection in order to board an airplane in the United States

Shoes off. All metal off. Pockets completely empty. All computers in a seperate tray. Medical declaration cards for metal jonts, plates, and limbs. Liquids and creames in a clear quart-size plastic bag according to the list below. Everything goes into the trays pictured on the left. Everything is scanned.
TSA's job is to insure safe travel
EVERY person and EVERY piece of luggage is scanned.
All carry-on items are scanned with you at TSA inspection.
All checked bags are scanned before they are loaded on to the plane.

EVERYONE must go thru a scanner.

Almost everyone receives some form of pat-down. Some lucky folks will receive a full pat down.

You may carry on only 3-oz and smaller containers of liquids and pastes in only one quart-size plastic bag per person. Larger quantities may be carried in luggage that is checked to be stored in the belly of the plane OR purchase when you get to your destination.