BCPS HS Bands to Pearl Harbor 20...?
What's included & How much ?
Dates: December 3-10, When ???
December 3- Travel
December 3-8 - Waikiki, Hawaii and surrounding Oahu area
December 9-10 Travel
* Round-trip plane ticket Main cabin to and from Honolulu, Hawaii
* Hawaiian flower lei greeting
* 6 nights at the Queen Kapiolani Hotel in Waikiki
* Some meals are included. (The cost of our air will determine how much we can retain for student meals. Working on this one...)
* Motorcoach to and from airport and events
* Polynesian Culture Center
* Hawaiin Luau
* 80th Anniversary Pearl Harbor Memorial Parade
* Pearl Harbor tour
* Instrument ship and return including large instrument lease from UH
(Students with instruments that can be carried on to the plane
must do so.)
* Equipment truck
$2750 Total (based on quad room)
(add $125 for triple room)
(add $375 for double room)
add $1125 for single room)

May 1,
$300 payment
January 4,
$300 payment
August 3
$300 payment
March 1
$300 payment
October 1
$300 payment
May 3
$300 payment
August 1
$300 payment
October 1,
Your complete remaining balance is due
Final balances owed on all items to complete our trip !