BCPS HS Bands to Pearl Harbor 20...?
Performances on Oahu
Our commemoration of the bombing of Pearl Harbor is still "under construction" from the officials and committies in charge of the event.
There are many "performance opportunities" on Oahu at the time of the 75th anniversary. Our goal is to involve our band in meaningful events where both students and Veterans will feel a significant sense of accomplishment and gratitude in those performances. We have a "world-class" group of students and parents who will be participating in these events. We are going to make sure that those performances are significant.
We will represent North Carolina and the USS North Carolina in the Pearl Harbor Memorial parade on December 7, 2016. POTUS involvment in the parade is tentative. We believe it is more likely that the President would select the USS Arizona Memorial for his part of the commoration as the parade route would be very hard to provide for his security. It is also worth noting that we will have a newly elected President at that time who may also wish to participate. More on this as it is released to us...
The USS Missouri
We have a standing invitation to perform
at the USS Missouri memorial and museum.