BCPS HS Bands to Pearl Harbor 20...?

One carry-on per person...
A "carry-on" is a bag that you take with into the passenger section of the plane.
A "checked bag" is a bag that will be loaded into the belly of the plane.
*There will be a charge for your checked bag to and from Oahu. You must decide for yourself and pay for yourself if you decide to "check" a larger bag.
You are also allowed to carry on a personal item. This may be your instrument. Most of our instruments will be "blue-tagged" and not counted as your carry-on or personal item. However, due to new charges for baggage, carry-ons are more popular now. Instruments receive luggage space on a first-come-first-serve basis. It will depend on the flight crew that day and the luggage carried onto the plane. Be patient and polite and everything should work out.
Of course, this depends on the airline and its regulations.
Check out the new "American, United, & Delta baggage" page.